
Hello! This is my journal! For a long time, I've wanted a place to share my thoughts with those who care to indulge, but no platform has felt truly appropriate.

Social media is a societal illness, and my thoughts are far too valuable to me for me to put them in a place of competition. I do not want my thoughts to compete with anyone elses. Still, I have this desire to share the things that go on in my mind. I, like many others, seek to be understood. But I want my thoughts in a place of intention. You only understand something you intend to understand.

There is rarely intention on social media. It's an industry that depends on, encourages, creates, and capitalizes on mindlessness. I do not want my thoughts consumed mindlessly.

Furthermore, I do not want to be manipulated into mindlessly checking if someone "likes" my thoughts. I certainly do not want my thoughts to be influenced by whether someone "likes" them or not, and I won't pretend I'm immune to this.

So here I am. I learned the basics of coding with HTML, and I made this website for myself. These are my thoughts. I hold them dearly. They are of great value to me, and I hope someone else can find value in them as well.


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