What is truly important? Everything? Nothing? Importance, significance, in what regard? It all comes down to personal philosophy. One cannot entirely say that what is important to ones self should be important to ones self should be important to another.

There is one dominant question that is in our very nature as humans to ask continuously, and that is, "why do I exist". As humans, we must justify our existence. Reasonably, some people choose to avoid this question the best they can. This is why, to many people, the most important thing is to survive comfortably until the body dies. It's chosen ignorance, and that's a very understandable route to life. It's not noble, I might argue it's morally reprihensible, but it's reasonable.

Personally, I've been unable to shake this question for all of my existence. And it feels silly because it's a cliche, but it's very real. "Justify your existence". I feel it in a million different ways. You live, your mother asks "why are you crying?" You cry and vomit and everyone asks why. You come into a world knowing absolutely nothing, you feel around for the sensations, you try to see what feels right, and everyone asks why. Sometimes they're laughing, sometimes they're screaming. This pattern never changes.

No, this pattern never changes. You might start getting your own ideas about why things are the way they are, why people ask why, but they never stop asking why.

One of the first things you learn coming into this world is to ask why, and then people have the audacity to ask why you're asking why. Hey, when you were born, the doctor looked at you and said, "JUSTIFY YOUR EXISTENCE". We try to beat that answer out of ourselves, and out of each other. Those who do feel they've answered that question often feel very strongly about their answer. Many are very agressive toward those who haven't reached the same conclusions.

I don't think there's any possible way one could really answer such a question. What we do know is, we are a speck floating in one galaxy amongst an immesurable number of other galaxies. We are a micro-organism within a micro-organism withing an organism that seems substantial compared to us, but it's measurement is out of our capability. This is a subject that's a bit tired to me. I'm not too concerned with entertaining existentialism beyond the baseline, but my point is, making any strong claims around the existential is far beyond our capability. Our environment, is absurd, ever changing, and unexplainable, and I find comfort in the mystery of it all. I find comfort in absurdity in general. It makes me remarkably happy to see absurdity represented or personified. I get overjoyed, I giggle a bit, and I think back to that ridiculous question, and every time I'll say, "we don't know anything", and I'm a child bewildered.

But I too, like everyone else, have made my own conclusions around this topic. I'm writing this to revisit those conclusions while I try to find out what's truly important to me. I will get closer to determining that, but right now, I need to be in the moment. I want to be with my friends. Thank you. <3<3<3

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