12/27/23, A Note on Degeneration

It's an age old story.
A person, usually in their younger years, develops a set of beliefs, morals, and as time goes on, they repeatedly compromise on said morals for the sake of comfort. It becomes a cycle that soon becomes a spiral, until a person is a shell of what they once were.

It's why people who once seemed vibrant and full of life opt for a pair of khakis at 36, and go into debt for a sports car at 45. It's the comfortably lukewarm nature of the American middle class, and I detest it.

But it's also the very environment I was raised in. I've found myself mimicking the very same behavior. Abandon yourself so you don't have to go outside. Abandon yourself to enjoy the luxuries of capitalism. Abandon yourself so they don't look down on you. So you fit into the public eye. So everyone loves you.

I've had people try to strip me of myself all my life. I will not forget who I am. I will dare to have strong beliefs, and I will hold strong in them. I will not be distracted by the superficial, I will not be controlled by the disease of social media. To dare to try, is to dare to fail, is to dare to be.

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